Sharing thoughts

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Sharing thoughts

Sharing thoughts
Another day, and another opportunity to enjoy setting down some thoughts...
One of the ways I celebrate life is by volunteering at a ministry here in Bartlesville, called Voice of the Martyrs. As the name indicates, it is a ministry that reaches out to, helps, encourages, and prays for those in other countries who are persecuted because they love Jesus Christ, and refuse to deny Him. It has been going on, in ever greater degree, since the beginning of the last century.
So many Christians keep speaking of the "great tribulation" that is coming. As Corrie Ten Boom pointed out about 30 years ago, that is an American belief; in other parts of the world, such "tribulation" has been going on for decades.
Another point - that "tribulation" of which Jesus speaks was meted out dramatically and thoroughly by Titus when he demolished Jerusalem. Reading the historical records makes that clear, plus there are numerous "clues" of such in the letters of Paul, Peter, and John.
More to come...about what, cannot yet say.


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