Sharing thoughts

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sharing thoughts

This Letter to the Editor arrived some while back - written by a lady in Grass Valley, California - and I have been meaning to add it to this blog. It reflects the sorry and sad state of what many believe about the importance of life - not of babies, but of lobsters and other such creatures. The title of the letter is, "Lobsters feel no pain?" The writer goes on to say, "I for one can sleep better tonight knowing that Norwegian scientists have finally determined that lobsters feel no pain when being boiled. However, I won't sleep that soundly because some faithful celebs and pro-lobster groups in our country are not convinced and are loudly protesting the whole grizzly matter. This really concerns all of us because lobsters are innocent and have no say in the matter. 'Lobsters and crabs have some capacity of learning, but it is unlikely that they can feel pain,' the study concluded. What a comfort. It's just too bad that human beings can't be more like lobsters. Even in the womb, babies are learning and feeling pain; yet daily, thousands of our unborn are torn from their mother's wombs and thrown away. Precious, valuable lives, painfully aborted. Maybe if we boiled them with a lobster, it would stop."