Sharing thoughts

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Throughly furnished...

2 Tim. 3:17, "That the man of God may be throughly furnished unto all good works."
It is NOT thoroughly, but THROUGHLY, which expresses the idea of something or someone who is permeated totally through and through.  It is saying God is in the process of fully imparting and saturating our lives so that every part of our beings - SPIRIT, SOUL, and BODY - in the depths and core of all we are, is to be INDWELT BY HIM, inside and out, every nook and cranny, NO place in this "house" that is not furnished to the uttermost by HIM.  Nothing left of Adam or the earthly control, all is in place, all done to the utmost perfection BY Him, and FOR Him, and THROUGH Him, and TO Him.
This is what GOD IS DOING in each of us.
Yes, we are His temple, a temple not made with hands, a living temple, corporate, the ecclesia.  NEVER again will God  have His rest in a house made of stone and mortar. (Which thought, which truth, brings into question all those buildings we call "churches" which most certainly ARE made of "stone and mortar.")
Jesus Christ as the house, the resting place of God, is the CENTRAL POINT of scripture.


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