Sharing thoughts

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sharing thoughts

This entry is a bit long - it is taken from a devotional book by Thomas Kissinger, "The Glory of God, and the Honor of Kings", (from Prov. 25:2), and is the entry for Jan. 12th - but it is, to me, well worth the few minutes it takes to read it (and, Lord willing, digest it): OVERCOMING EVIL WITH GOOD -Romans 12:21 states, "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." This all-important scripture, which speaks of the triumph of all that is good over all that is evil, gives us insight into the method of Almighty God. This method must also become our method. God must ultimately triumph over evil, or it must be said that evil has triumphed over God. PLEASE THINK ABOUT THIS! Here is a quote from Christ Triumphant ( by Thomas Allin ) to further establish this great point. "The question of universalism is usually argued on a basis altogether misleading, as though the point involved was chiefly, or wholly, man's endless suffering. Odious and repulsive to every moral instinct as is that dogma, it is not the turning point of this controversy. The vital question is this, that the popular creed, by teaching the perpetuity of evil, points to a victorious Devil, and to sin as finally triumphant over God. It makes the corrupt, nay, the bestial in our fallen nature, to be eternal. It represents what is foulest and most loathsome in man, the most obstinate sin as being enduring as God Himself. It confers the dignity of immortal life on what is morally abominable. It teaches perpetual anarchy and a final chaos. It enthrones pandemonium as an eternal fact, side by side with Paradise; and, gazing over its fetid and obscene abysses, it is not afraid to call this the triumph of Jesus Christ, this the realization of the promise that God shall be ALL IN ALL" (Thomas Allin) If God is willing to cure all the evils of mankind, but is not able, this is an indictment against the power of God, and surely makes the thought of overcoming evil with good only wishful thinking at best. If God is able to cure all the evils of mankind, but is not willing, this is an indictment against the love of God, and surely makes Him out to be a cruel Creator and a hypocrite as well, FOR HE TOLD US TO LOVE OUR ENEMIES, BUT WILL TORTURE HIS ENEMIES FOREVER.

-Let us shout from the mountaintops that GOD IS ABLE AND WILLING TO OVERCOME ALL EVIL WITH GOOD. To proclaim anything less than a salvation of all men, every man in his own order, is to declare Satan ( the adversary ) as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, making the cross ( the atonement ) of Jesus Christ a failed attempt to reconcile a lost world back to the Father again.



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