Sharing thoughts

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sharing thoughts

Came across this the other day, and had to say, Yes... Aiken, author of If Hell Is Real, writes: "In the time of Christ, most of Israel completely missed the Word of God when He was in their midst. They were too busy with their nose in the book, to perceive the Word Himself as He came and dwelt among them! Certainly the masses must have thought, 'But none of the teachers, Pharisees, or priests believe that Jesus is the Messiah! And they know the scripture better than me!' That fact alone kept many Jews from daring to believe in Jesus. To do so was heresy, and to admit faith in Him was basically asking for scorn and rejection. We have been quick to point the finger at the Pharisees, and not realize that we, as the church, follow the same pattern today. Are we going to play it safe and side with the majority, who are clinging to their traditions and what their teachers have taught them, or will we risk it all and step out and follow Him?

Are we to reject the truth of the Blessed Hope on the grounds that it has not yet been revealed to the Church in fullness? I trust God has His reasons why He has allowed this to be hidden. Strong evidence reveals God is beginning to roll away this dark cloud from His Church in earnest in our time." It occurs to me that often, in history, "orthodox" Christianity has been time, as some were willing to stand, regardless of the opinion of the majority and the persecution, the truth was acknowledged, and the vision of the "church" was widened. God is not moved by what the majority thinks; He has HIS plan and purpose (Eph. 2:11), and He SHALL perform His time, and in His way. And so I rest in what He has revealed to me; it opens up the glory that is embedded all through scripture - that Christ IS the Saviour of all (don't ask me how - that is His business), and not a "wannabe" Saviour, ...and GOD is love, and His love undergirds all that He does, whether we can understand it or not. Amen...


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