Sharing thoughts

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Sharing thoughts

Been thinking about all the hoopla concerning The Da Vinci Code, and find it sad that so many Christians are taking it as more than what it purports to be - a historical novel! Fiction. If one really is IN Christ, and He IN that one, then...He is who is says He is, and He is the Son of God...HE is the Saviour of the whole world, and HE is the Source of our faith, our walk...yes, our very life.

I read the book because others in the family had, and wondered what I thought of it. A well-written mystery, fictional (duh); did have some history (duh, again - it was a "historical" mystery), and I enjoyed the further exposition of phi, the "divine proportion." [Had first read of it several years ago - found it a wonder then, and it still me.] All scientists, even atheists, call it that - and to me, it is evidence of our Father's fingerprints all over the place.

To me, those who are shaken up or whatever by it are those whose relationship with Christ is shaky at best, or nonexistent...and they certainly do not know history.

Have seen all the hoopla, and...since that is how I regard it, have not been bothered by it. Oh my...

This is the comment by one man:

BACK TO THE BIBLE ??? Over the past several months, I have personally encountered, received, numerous e-mails and phone calls with questions regarding Da Vinci Code, the relevance of the Bible...As I sat time and again listening to or reading questions and comments, the main thought that I could hear shouting in my mind was, "O you foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you that you should not obey truth." Galatians 3. I think I would have felt less intense had it been spiritual babes, or those not professing to be enlightened, asking and debating this issue.

Da Vinci Code -author Dan Brown says it's a FICTION. Fiction simply means, a creation of the imagination, falsehood; literature of imagined events in the form of a novel or short story. However, there are some historical facts presented for the purpose of giving more life to the FICTION. This is not new; the same information and ideas were presented in another book 20 years ago and got less shock value and attention, and didn't make as much money. Have you found the Christ or are you still looking? Seriously think about this.

Scientists and Mathematicians are even studying [scripture] to unlock the codes and mysteries of life. Humble yourself, get rid of the Ego, dust the Bible off and try to remember your spiritual first love experience, or have one...

In all your getting get an understanding. The points that I have gone over are very basic and trivia, however, these issues are being used to create division, spiritual pride, and other negative things that stem from the Ego.

Enjoy your inward journey and don't be so easily detoured by all the different advertisements on the road of life. There is no need for another religion or any religion; just celebrate LIFE and LOVE, living each day as if it is your only day. Because in reality it is, you only have the NOW.

If it aint broke, don't fix it. PTL!


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