Sharing thoughts

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Sharing thoughts

"If man is really fashioned, more than anything else, in the image of God, then clearly it follows that there is nothing on earth so near to God as a human being. The conclusion is inescapable, that to be in the presence of even the meanest, lowest, most repulsive specimen of humanity in the world, is still to be closer to God than when looking up into a starry sky or at a beautiful sunset"

Mike Mason One can only wonder what this world would be like if we looked at one another in that way...the way that Father looks at each one of us...His creations, made in His likeness and image. Especially we Christians, who have the mind of Christ, and in whom He lives as/in/through us. "God was in Christ - a world reconciling to Himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses; and having put in us the word (LOGOS -LIVING EXPRESSION) of the reconciliation," (2 Cor. 5:19 Young's Literal Translation). Therefore, we are "living expressions" of that word, reconciliation...His "reconcilers" going forth to the lost. Amen.


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