Sharing thoughts

Monday, June 02, 2014

Amazing grace...

I found   this beautiful word when going through some saved files, and thought it was not to be hidden away  my computer (not sure who the author is) .  No, it is His love, being expressed in an unusual way.  Therefore, I share it with you...
"For Tophet (altar) is ordained of old: yea, for the king (the kingship or sons of God) it is prepared. He has made the pile thereof deep and large, fire and much wood. The breath of the Lord like a stream of brimstone, does kindle it." Isaiah 30:33. The fire is Spirit, the wood is humanity, the breath of the Lord is the Holy Spirit. Remember Jesus breathed on His disciples and said, "Receive ye the Holy Spirit, " Jn. 20:22, and when the day of Pentecost was fully come there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind. Acts 2:2.
This breath of the Lord, is none other than the Holy Spirit. Yet is like a stream of brimstone! The New Testament speaks of fire and brimstone. This word brimstone is "theion" in the Greek, aken to "Theos" God, and "Theon" divine. Brimstone was always associated with Deity. This is a godly fire ("pur" in Greek, where we get "purge," "pure," Purify" etc) of purging sulphur ( soul-fire) consuming the sacrifice on the altar (Tophet means altar).
According to Jeremiah, Tophet is in the midst of the valley of the sons of Hinnom Jer. 7: 31. The word hell-fire in English is Ge-henna in Greek, taken from the valley of Hinnom in Hebrew. When we realize that there is an altar in the hell-fire it is wonderful, but to know that it is the altar of Grace is most shocking! Yet the very word Ge-henna means "valley of grace!" The henna flower is known for its grace and beauty the world over. Yet Hinnom is plural in the Hebrew. Grace be multiplied unto you! Ge-henna is the valley of the sons of Grace, multiplied Grace, and there is an altar there! Tophet (altar) is ordained of old for the King!"


Blogger Unknown said...

As you said, some wonderful thoughts and a GOD-ly perspective because it is just as GOD sees things. We humans, with religious minds, forever see (preach) the dark, terrifying side of hell-fire because it spells the end of self. To truly repent is to change our thinking (perspective/mind set) to see all things from HIS perspective, with HIS mind, and thereby agree with GOD. We then find the GRACE to surrender (offer up) SELF as a burnt offering on the altar (Tophet), which is, for a son of God, a positive thing, for our God IS a consuming fire! He consumes all that is in opposition to HIS/our desire to be in HIS image and likeness. Bless you!

11:46 AM  

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